Location: Manning Valley
Date: August 2014

August 31, 2014. Yesterday, I toddled down to Fotheringham Park on the banks of the Manning, Taree, for the Cruzer Club's show and shine, with lots of hot rods and cruisers on display. Pretty good show it was too. Click here for the photo album.

August 29, 2014. I visited the dental clinic this morning for my customary irrigation. Annastaice and Andries were there ready to help celebrate my 70th birthday. Click here for the photo album (with captions).

August 19, 2014. FL Josh sent a short story and pics of a volunteer wildlife carer who helped save an injured baby eagle. The pair have formed an inseparable bond over more than a decade. It's a very touching and fascinating story, and one to which I decided to dedicate a permanent page. Click here for the Freedom story.

Also today I put together a bunch of photos I took of the GM Show and Shine at Cundletown on Sunday just up the old highway from Taree. Some nice classic Holdens there plus a few vintage Chevrolets. The forecast was for rain but the organizers got lucky and it turned out to be a beautiful day. Click here for the photo album.

August 6, 2014. Fresh out of hospital after a serious bout of pneumonia and slowly recovering. Meanwhile, here's another 50+ historic photos of autos in various urban situations during the first half of the 20th century. Click here for the photo album.


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