Guest Travelers

Ethan Lusby...

Ethan is a young really cool dude traveling around in his truck camper with his dog. When I first saw this video it so reminded me this was Gary's ultimate dream too before he became to ill.


The South African Express - Richie Larson

Adventure to Deep South America - Richie Larson

Road Trip to Colorado USA - Richie Larson

The magic of unspoiled Kangaroo Island, Sth Australia - Josh Maguire

Camping at Smith's Lake Mid North Coast, NSW Oz - Josh Maguire

Touring Kakadu, Darwin and Katherine Gorge at Australia's Top End - Jan Gray & Friends.

Motor cycle trip through the High Cascades, Oregon USA - Richie Larson

My friend Art from North Carolina sent a bunch of interesting and unusual photos today, which I thought deserved a page of their own. Click here for Photos Worth Your Time.

May-June 2016  Zach & Maddie  London - Harlaxton Manor



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