Manning Valley
Mid North Coast
New South Wales
1. Port Macquarie hospital - second
dose of radiation therapy, photo
shoot of town beaches...
2. Collection of disaster photos,
when it's okay to say the F word...
3. A bunch of ads that are waaaay
past their use-by date...
Mid North Coast
New South Wales
All around the world
1. Chateau de Mobile arrives...
2. A bunch of unusual and
interesting photos sent by Art from
North Carolina...
3. A trip to Talawahl Nature
Reserve and Breakneck Lookout...
4. Sunset over Taree and the
Manning River...
1. Photo album of Central Railway
Station and Radiance of the Seas
berthed at the Overseas Passenger
Terminal Circular Quay...
2. Experimenting with my new
Nikon in the garden...
3. Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic
Church, Taree - exterior and interior